Just take a sec to add to the pole ..you have 2 votes ...so can let us know it's a good idea aswell as if you can can't ...etc Just to gauge acknowledgement of event .
So I still need to confirm the date which will be either SATURDAY 14th October or the 28th October 2023 .
This year it will held in a conference room as a "Katjumble" in that it's a bring and buy sale / parts swap and this part will be open to non members .FB group members .

While this is going on during the afternoon the AGM will take place so passing through can have a say .
The venue has been chosen so it can be a weekend event and the hotel has many rooms available which may be discounted as it'll be a group booking .
On the same Carpark is the Victoria bikers pub ( which we visited a few ago) which should have a band on Saturday night ( awaiting confirmation ) .
So this is a heads up , a nudge for you to dig out those parts / memorabilia you wish to rehome ...make a wish list of parts and things for our agenda ..

There you have it a weekend with mates , music, beers,looking at old bits and bobs ( oooher missus!)
HERMITAGE PARK HOTEL | Whitwick Road, Coalville, Near Leicester, Leicestershire LE67 3FA |
( Again TBC so hold off booking rooms at mo )