Ace Cafe 6th August

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by pookie » Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:58 pm

Used to enjoy trips to the Ace, although the journey was shite (Ealing common, Hangar lane giratory etc) but haven't been since the last ulez zone was introduced, although being on the North circular was ok if there were any detours or roadworks and you were forced to stray into the zone you would still be fined, takes the fun out of a trip for a cup of tea, last time I was there I had a chat with Mark who runs the place and he said that he was shitting a brick at the thought of ulez reaching the circular roads, seen some you tube vids recently with him on them and he seems to have aged ten years, and is genuinely scared of the future after the expansion, I've owned my 250 Kat for nine years now and my Kawasaki Kr-1 for thirty four years from new and now they are resposible for thousands of premature deaths and kids with stunted lungs!

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by stockcar » Fri Aug 04, 2023 8:06 pm

ULEZ test centre here for bikes (the usual fCuk up so no compatible car test??)

It’s about £175

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by katmarch » Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:52 pm

Well I did get there a bit late as stopped at my local bike cafe for breakfast, not many Suzuki’s
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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by pookie » Mon Aug 07, 2023 7:39 pm

Dunno about not many Suzukis there, looks like there aren't many bikes there full stop, granted you got there late but a few years ago I had to park opposite the place 'cos there was no room in the car park, thanks a lot for ruining our fun Khan, you twat! :(

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by Smallkat » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:24 am

Fairly sure it was Mr Johnson's idea when he was mayor, then reinforced by Grant Schapps (or whatever name he goes by this week) later when he was transport secretary.

But yes, the level of charge and exemptions must be down to the current mayor, so he's not totally in the clear, just not completely responsible.

The scheme is designed to help fund TFL so takes money from motorists to subsidise public transport. Cleaner air could be a by-product.
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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by pookie » Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:21 pm

You're correct Smallkat, it's a money generating exercise to put funds back into tfl's coffers because it ran up massive debts during the pandemic, what convinces me that it's purely a cash grab is that Glasgow is bringing in it's own version but motocycles and mopeds are exempt from the charge, motorbikes should at least have been half the price of a car because they cause zero congestion, they should be encouraging them, beware, as mentioned Glasgow and other cities are bringing in these so called low emission zones and I bet there are councils up and down the country monitoring this as a future money maker :(

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by fossie » Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:22 pm

In the late 90's Manchester had a referendum on a congestion charge where the collected funds would fund GM transport.
99% said get stuffed..GM transport is a private concern , get public transport sorted first using YOUR money.
Also the zone was inside the M60 but most people live outside and Greater Manchester dosen't actually exsist except in politicians minds someone who lived in Salford and works in salford but needs to go on M60 for 1 junction because its 3am and no public transport would be charged >( just like London now!
Anyway it went away until 2020 when Khan clone Mr soundbite /photo op (Burnham)tried to introduce a zone 50 miles square as far as Wigan ,Oldham,Bury , Cadishead all points ...nothing to do with Manchester.....& only avns , buses , taxis and know the vehicles that need to be there....and can't go on public transport!
However even the staunchest labour supported told them they wouldn't vote them in next time , so it became suspended indefiniatley..... The emmission zone stopped in between runway 1 and runway 2 of the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by pookie » Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:54 pm

Be very afraid 😮 search wikipedia for "C 40 Cities" it's a group of over 90 cities worldwide with funding from some of the richest people and governments in the world whose aim is purely to reduce the amount of pollution and traffic in cities dramatically, it looks with squinted eyes exactly like FIFA (remember what happened there once all the pigs were at the trough?) it was originally started by 'red' Ken Livingston when he was Mayor of London (remember the damage done by the GLC?) and it's no surprise that the current chairman is Sad Dick Kahn! worst of all though is that millions of pounds of taxpayers money has been pumped into this by our own government, yes, the same people who say that they are on the motorists side! bit worried because when I searched for C40Cities investors my laptop froze and I had to reboot it! so if you don't hear from me for a while its been great knowing you all 😮

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by stockcar » Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:32 pm

Whilst ‘red Ken’ may have had some initial ideas the main motivation was that fluffy haired fCuk Boris !!

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Re: Ace Cafe 6th August

Post by Uncle Bob » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:14 am

pookie wrote:
Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:54 pm
bit worried because when I searched for C40Cities investors my laptop froze and I had to reboot it! so if you don't hear from me for a while its been great knowing you all 😮

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