Joining the Club

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Uncle Bob
Site Admin
Posts: 1719
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:05 pm
Location: Norwich, Norfolk
Has thanked: 658 times
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Joining the Club

Post by Uncle Bob » Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:35 pm

When you are ready to be a paid up member just follow these instructions:

The year runs April to March to make our admin easier. The full year is currently £10 (as EK year which the UK is organising (in Holland!)), but if joining part way through the year, the cost is reduced but includes the following full year as well! We hope this doesn't confuse you, it just stops anyone complaining about the cost for part years.

Joining Month:
April 23 to Sept 23: £10
Oct 23 to March 24: £15 (with auto renewal in April, so 1 year plus remainder of current year membership)

Send the fee as above via Paypal to
Please include your full name, postcode and forum name.

Once we have payment we'll open up the rest of the forum and also give you your members number.

Any questions, please contact us.
